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Minutes of the regular meeting for, Parks & Recreation Commission
Town Hall South – October 14, 2008 at 6:00p.m.

Phil Steimle, PJ Yochum, Chairmran Ed Marks, Tom DiNicola and Pat Barczak

Melissa Eigen

Amy Mangold, Carl Samuelson

Roseann Reggiano

5 members of the public and 1 member of the Press

Mr. Marks called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Tuesday October 14, 2008.

The minutes of the prior meetings from July, August and September 2008 were accepted with a few changes noted.  
The minutes of September 10, 2008 had one spelling change under #3 Public Participation, Disckinson should be Dickinson Town Park.
The minutes of August 13, 2008 had an amount correction under #6 Director’s Report, where $12 to $15,000 was noted should have been $12 to $1500.00.
Ms. Yochum moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Mr. Barczak seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Sean Dunn – Newtown Youth Football President
Mr. Dunn addressed the Parks & Recreation Commission regarding the issue of over crowding at Hawley School when Newtown Youth Football has practices and games held at Taylor Field.   Mr. Dunn explained that Taylor Field may have 500 participants between participants, family, friends.   Mr. Dunn stated that there is little to no field maintenance and they are looking for an alternate field.
Mr. Marks addressed Mr. Dunn’s concerns stating that Taylor Field has been considered for renovations such as increasing the water line size and possibly moving games and practices over to Treadwell.
Mr. Dunn asked the Commission if there is a possibility of using the Fairfield Hills campus.  Mr. Marks replied, there is a master plan for Fairfield Hills however due to the

work that’d be needed the funds are currently not available.  The Commission can at least get it on the list of items for completion on the CIP (it may get pushed back) but at least it is on the list. (If a project is over $300,000 it gets put on the CIP).
Mr. Samuelson noted that the issue being addressed is a seasonal concern given that Football is late a Summer through early Winter sport.
Mr. Dunn also stated that the concessions at Taylor Field are maintained only by the players parents on a volunteer basis which generates much of the funds needed to pay for gear and enables a low cost of pay-to-play.
Mr. Marks stated that possibly something can be worked out where practice can be held elsewhere thereby preserving the field for game days. He also suggested when teams get together for scheduling that Mr. Dunn attend the meeting so as to be a part of the field scheduling from the start and also to put any field request in writing ahead of time.  

Mr. Marks addressed the Commission regarding a surcharge request letter from Jack Shpunt for Newtown Youth Basketball in the amount of $18,800 for four new hoops.
Mr. Barczak asked why any other organization wouldn’t ask for funds out of the surcharges collected if we go ahead and recommend this for Newtown Youth Basketball.
Mr. Marks stated that Basketball does have funds however they will need a large amount of it for renting space from the Newtown Youth Academy located at the Fairfield Hills Campus.
Ms. Yochum for clarification asked if every sport has a surcharge.  Mr. Marks stated that the surcharge funds collected from each sport such as Soccer, Lacrosse and Basketball all go into one account that the Parks & Recreation Commission may make a recommendation on using for equipment if so requested by an organization, the Board of Selectman then approve the reccomendation or not.
Ms. Yochum added that the funds are essentially the people’s who paid for their kids to play and therefore the Commission should recommend to the Board of Selectman to allow surcharge funds be used for the equipment being requested.  
Mr. Marks stated that the Newtown Youth Basketball Organization has not asked for anything while contributing their surcharge funds collected right along which probably amounts to roughly $25,000 over two years.
Ms. Mangold asked if the hoops will be solely the possession of Newtown Youth Basketball.  Mr. Marks was unsure who they’d belong to however they would be available for use by the Parks & Recreation department.
Ms. Yochum moved to recommend usage of surcharge funds to supply Newtown Youth Basketball with four hoops as requested, to be owned by Newtown Parks & Recreation and Newtown Youth Basketball.  All were in favor.  Mr. Marks abstained from voting.

Parks & Recreation Director Correspondence
Ms. Mangold addressed the Commission regarding a Thank You note received from the Newtown Road Race Organization and a letter from Julie Haselburger a Newtown resident with a special needs child regarding the Dickinson Town Park playground and


handicap accessibility.  Ms. Mangold stressed the importance of addressing this issue and would be addressed again in the near future.

Fairfield Hills Update

The proposed Skate Park is supported by Parks & Recreation.

Assistant Director of Parks – Parks & Fields Report

Mr. Samuelson stated that currently out to bid are Tilson and Treadwell fields and the lighting project has been awarded.  

Assistant Director of Recreation Report

Ms. Mangold reported for Ms. Reggiano as she was not in attendance.  Ms. Mangold gave the Commission an update regarding the work done to get more participants involved in Frisbee Golf.  Ms. Reggiano had frisbee’s made up with Park & Rec. information printed on them.

Ms. Mangold also addressed the Commission regarding two special appropriations.
One, for installation of Security Camera’s at Eichler’s Cove Marina and the second for the Treadwell Pool Filter.
Ms. Mangold went on to explain that the items have to go out to bid and the Board of Selectmen did not want any unsubstantiated figures.  They will look at the projects when the bids come back.  The funds, for the Security Camera’s are to come from the Eichler’s Cove account. By moving forward with the Security Camera’s the Parks & Recreation Department moves closer to maintaining Eichler’s Cove independently.
Mr. Marks moved to approve the special appropriations subject to return bids.  Ms. Yochum seconded motion. All were in favor.

CIP Discussion
Ms. Mangold updated the Commission regarding the Treadwell Infrastructure having been moved up, the Community Center also moved back a year (however this adjustment  really only effects Parks & Recreation by a few months).  Ms. Mangold went on to explain that more local Senior support is needed as well as from Jeff Cugno from O&G.

Top Five Priorities
a. Community/ Recreation Center
b. Eichler’s Cove
c. Maintenance Facility – Mr. Samuelson stated is making progress


d. Dog Park – Ms. Yochum questioned who is responsible for maintenance.  Mr. Samuelson stated that the Parks & Rec. maintains the lawns but Public Works could take care of any other needs as they arise because they are there, such as bringing sand so as to decrease muddy conditions.
e. Other

Urban Trail
Treadwell Pool Update – Mr. Samuelson stated that if funds are awarded the work will continue over the winter months.

1. Gazebo Fairfield Hill
Ms. Mangold stated that the thought of putting a Gazebo on the Fairfield Hills Campus struck her as a good idea for bringing more attention to the campus and an alternate source of entertainment in Town as it could also serve as an ideal location to have Summer Concerts.  Ms. Mangold stated that she would work in conjunction with the Arts Commission.  The cost of the addition to the Campus would be estimated at about $20,000 including lighting and electrical systems.

Before the meeting adjourned, Ms. Mangold suggested that the Commission might consider having a special meeting to discuss the budget as it will be due before the next regular meeting for the Parks & Recreation Commission.  

Having no further business, the regular meeting for the Parks & Recreation Commission adjourned at 7:35p.m.

Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo     Clerk Pro Tem